Saturday 30 April 2016

Gems as a Focus

Just came across some new postings regarding utilizing the idea of gems (and Zentangle) together, and thought immediately how lovely they looked. I quickly decided to give it a try with my trusty watercolour pencils and, voila, here is my first small attempt. Needless to say, I will be trying this again in the near future!

Monday 22 February 2016

Carpenter's Square

Yesterday I was looking on line and found a lovely old style quilt with a very pretty red and white theme. The title they gave the design was wrong I think as my sister assures me the pattern is called CARPENTER'S SQUARE. Anyway, I liked the very simplistic form of it and so I drew out the lines to form a tangle for "our" favourite pastime, Zentangle of course. Then I did a sample tile showing three different variations on a theme...of course you can modify it in any way to make it your own. Hope you enjoy my Square....please enjoy and feel free to send me your version of this tangle.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Turquoise May be a Girl's Best Friend

To say my sister LOVES turquoise is not overstating the obvious.....and I have to admit it looks lovely with her skin and hair coloring. When "tangling" I have definitely found that I LOVE using the prescribed black on white, but I also enjoy adding a singular colour to jazz up the design. I really believe that less is more most of the time to set off an abstract form of Zentangle art. Don't forget to click on the photo to see better detail.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Sniffing Out a New Home

It's come to some resident's attention that there are a few rats in our vicinity. I don't see it as catastrophic and thought a bit of zentangle levity might be in order. Perhaps the little guys are seeking more modern accommodation?.....I think it's up to us to simply not make our premises too inviting. If they are sniffing us out, we need to be a little less fragrant! LOL. Don't can view picture detail by clicking on the image.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Hello Froggie!!!

Imagine our surprise when good friends called and asked us to babysit their pet frogs!....and who would think about the noise they like to make? Well, we didn't, and so it seemed like an easy task for good friends to take on. Now, I've heard frogs before and quite enjoy their melodic chirping on a summer's eve, lulling me to sleep with their gentle and repetitive rhythm. However, when these tiny tots began their was the cacophony sound of a majestic flock of Canadian geese heading for their snowbird home down south....and this at 1:30 a.m.!!! Needless to say, they ended up in the garage for their second night at this resort condo! LOL.....but I was sure fun to do a zentangle of one of the boys for historic reference. Hope all goes well and our friends arrive home safely from their take their babies back!

Monday 22 June 2015

Whew!!! That Month is Over!

We have had a really busy month for sure. We sold our house and acreage and bought a townhouse in town. Needless to say we are in shock at the amount of downsizing one needs to do....however, that's behind us and we definitely feel "lighter" at the moment.....all without the tedious effort of dieting! LOL. So, I've managed to get back at tangling and decided to do my largest one yet. (hey, why not?) This one is on 11 x 14 inch art paper and took somewhat longer to do, although I did it in stages, which saved on hand cramps for sure. It felt really good to get back at my form of "art" and must mean we have settled in.....right?

Saturday 25 April 2015

Teenie Weenies

My sister mentioned going to a doodling group where the instructor had done some tangles in one and two inch sizes. I have been enjoying doing larger Zentangle art pieces lately, but thought the much smaller ones sounded like fun as well. Therefore, according to my nature, I immediately went out to my studio to try my hand at miniatures. They are a little (get it?) problematic in that you can't do a lot of work because at 1" you lose space rather quickly. Nevertheless it was fun, and something I will definitely try again.