Monday 22 June 2015

Whew!!! That Month is Over!

We have had a really busy month for sure. We sold our house and acreage and bought a townhouse in town. Needless to say we are in shock at the amount of downsizing one needs to do....however, that's behind us and we definitely feel "lighter" at the moment.....all without the tedious effort of dieting! LOL. So, I've managed to get back at tangling and decided to do my largest one yet. (hey, why not?) This one is on 11 x 14 inch art paper and took somewhat longer to do, although I did it in stages, which saved on hand cramps for sure. It felt really good to get back at my form of "art" and must mean we have settled in.....right?


  1. I love what you did with Maryhill and the black! I need to try that! I also really like the pattern in the lower right corner that looks sort of like coins strung together. What is that pattern? This is quite a lovely piece and sounds like you deserved the Zen!

    1. Hi Betsy ..... Just wanted to say thanks for your kind remarks about my art work. I was not aware that a few people were actually visiting my sister just pointed it out to me.
      The coins at the bottom may not actually be an official tangle....I often just make designs up as I go.
