Thursday 23 April 2015

OVY By Adam

Simply wanted to try a new tangle called OVY. I also seem to have a preference for circles, any size, anywhere. As it turns out OVY has taken second place, against my will, in this representation of modern Zentangle art. If you have any sense of silliness left, you will find Zentangle to be the perfect past time. If you have any silly friends for heaven's sake, include them in your hobby. Don't forget you can click on the picture to get a larger view.


  1. Wow that is gorgeous! Nicely done shading. The contrast is nicely balanced and I love the black! And the bit of color just makes it look rich! Sorry, but I'm not seeing silly!

    1. Thanks again for reviewing my project. I very much like how this one turned out myself. That's the fun of zentangle for sure....watching the evolution!
